Young Sports Leader
Gold Award
A message from Sainsbury's School Games.
Congratulations on your recent success, achieving Gold of the Sainsbury's School Games Mark.
The Mark rewards schools for their commitment to, and development of, PE, school sports clubs and competitions.
This Mark award recognises the hard work that you and your staff have undertaken to ensure all young people have access to a wide breadth of sports opportunities within the school.
Without your continued drive and enthusiasm we would not be able to sustain the impact that sport has on young people and we thank you for this.
Congratulations once again.
Rt Hon Sajid MP
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP
Secretary of State for Education
Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
Secretary of State for Health
Sports council
Improving activities in the playground
Young Leaders
Being a young leader
The Amazing Bobby and Bobby!
Bobby (Year 6) and Bobby (Year 5) have been working hard to improve the quality of sports for all the children at William Bellamy Primary School. They decided that there was a need for an additional Football Club. Mrs Rose explained that they would need to use all their powers of persuasion to get SLT to agree to this additional FREE club. The boys took this very seriously and wrote an extremely persuasive letter to Mrs Massar. Because of this the additional club has been approved. Well done to Bobby and Bobby. Our new leading lights in Sports for All!!!
The Amazing Bobby and Bobby
Our young leaders at break time
Our pupils have been learning about the qualities and skills a good young leader should have. The children worked together to explore different senarios and how they would deal with them. They reflected on past situations both in and out of school. The children then created opportunities to use their skills and knowledge.
The classes have created fantastic information leaflets to help others learn about what it takes to be a good young leader.