Who's Who
Leadership Team

Special Education Needs Team

The Senior Leaders are on duty every morning (as well as the Family Support team) - you will spot us all in both playgrounds as we wear a Hi Viz jacket. Please don't hesitate to come and speak with us about any concerns or queries you have - we are always there for you.
Our roles and responsibilities are:
Mrs Massar
Head Teacher with overall day to day management responsibility for the whole school, Designate Safeguarding Lead, strategic development, health, safety and wellbeing, financial management and Curriculum
Line Manager: SLT
Mrs Taylor
Deputy Head with responsibility for Assessment, Maths, Curriculum and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Line Manager: Middle Leaders, Teachers, TAs, Lead Teachers
Mrs Willmore
Deputy Head with responsibility for English, Attendance, Curriculum, Staff well being and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Line Manager: Teachers, HLTAs, Curriculum Team, Midday Staff
Miss Pocock
Assistant Head with responsibility for Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)
Line Manager: EYFS Teachers, TAs and HLTAs
Mrs Green
English Lead Teacher (EYFS and KS1)
Mrs Cooper
English Lead Teacher (KS2)
Mr Morrison
Maths, Science and Computing Lead Teacher
Mrs Wheatley
Nurture, ARP, Behaviour Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding
Line Manager: Nurture Mentors, Oasis Team
Mrs Halliwell and Ms Paca
School SENDCOs
Admin Team

Premises / Technology Team

Curriculum Enrichment Team

Family Support Team

Nurture Team

Sunshine Team

Speech and Language Team

Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs)



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Trade Union Officials
The school currently has no employed Trade Union Officials on the pay roll. Therefore no facility time is required. The school has 2 staff union reps and currently undertake meetings and training outside of their teaching commitments.