Rights Respecting
The Great British Spring Clean 2024
This year William Bellamy Primary school took part in the Great British Spring clean. We collected rubbish in the school playgrounds and our ambassadors also collected litter in their local community.
Article 24 ‘ You have the right to the best healthcare possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well’
Outright 2023 and World Children’s Day
This year to celebrate World Children’s Day, William Bellamy students took part in a range of UNICEF’s Outright Campaign activities. This year’s campaign was all about taking action and tackling climate change. Our children made posters, wrote to their local MP and designed schools to withstand adverse weather caused by climate change.
Harvest Donations
Our Year 5 ambassadors donating all our harvest food donations.
Trees for Cities
As part of Green Day in school, where children learned all about the benefits of a green environment, the school worked alongside Trees for Cities. They did some planting around the school alongside our children, to help expand our garden and environment. The children learned lots of new information and had so much fun. This work relates to Article 24 which states, ‘Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality healthcare, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that children can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.’
Children have their say!
At William Bellamy we respect all rights for children, including Article 12 which states ‘Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.’
In order to respect this right, we have suggestion post boxes where children can share their thoughts and suggestions about their learning and school experience.
Our ambassadors will be looking at all the suggestions and seeing if we can put them into action alongside our Senior Leadership team.
The Great British Spring Clean up 2022
This month William Bellamy took part in the Great British Spring Clean. The Great British Spring Clean is the nation's biggest mass participation environmental campaign. The campaign by Keep BritainTidy encourages the public to make a real difference in their communities by either hosting or participating in a litter pick.
As part of the event, children litter picked in the school during break and lunchtimes. In addition to this, our ambassadors attended a workshop about recycling and took part in a litter pick around the school and surrounding areas. The children were surprised at the amount of litter they were able to collect. Article 24 states that children have the right to a safe and clean environment…..let’s work together to keep our local streets litter free.
Spring Clean
What have our ambassadors been up to?
Our Year 6 ambassadors teamed up with someone from the company Living Streets and did an audit of Stour road, looking at how accessible it is for pedestrians and cyclists and how the area can generally be improved. They came up with some fantastic ideas of how the local area could be made a safer and more welcoming space.
Ideas included:
- Setting up road crossings near school entrances.
- Ensuring there is a pavement/walkway on both sides of Stour Road.
- Repairing damaged sign posts and paving slabs.
- Widening walkways to help those with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs.
- Ambassadors doing some litter picking to keep local areas clean and tidy.
- Painting murals on brick walls to add some colour and brightness to the street.
- Planting more colourful plants to enhance the area.
The ambassadors loved the new bee corridor that has been set up on Stour Road and we look forward to taking part in the setting up and maintenance of this.
We are proud to announce that we are now a
UNICEF Rights Respecting Silver School.
We achieved Silver status in December 2020.
The Rights Respecting Schools Award puts children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.
The UK committee for UNICEF works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.
What does William Bellamy do as a Rights Respecting School?
- Class charters – Each class creates their own class charter. Children choose 5 rights that they think should be a focus for their class and decide how they will respect these rights. This is signed by all pupils and staff.
- Article of the month is discussed in school assemblies and displayed in classrooms.
- Rights are displayed around school in order to embed.
- William Bellamy takes part in UNICEF’s Yearly Outright programs and takes part in Rights Respecting days and lessons to deepen their understanding of rights.
- Teachers embed rights throughout the curriculum in order to encourage children to become global citizens who are able to discuss and consider the rights of other children who may not have access to all their rights.
- Rights are a part of school policies.
- Children play a part in making decisions in school about how their rights are respected.
- The school takes part in a range of fundraising activities where children can explore the ways that they can make a difference.
Rights Respecting Ambassadors
Congratulations to our Rights Respecting Ambassadors who have been given the important job of ensuring that William Bellamy are respecting all children’s rights and working towards achieving our Gold award.
Year 6
Mariam, Iznan, Kate, Cailen, Alin, Lillie, Henry, Anayah, Michael K and Zahra.
Year 5
Bethyl, Maria, Zane, Sasha and Rodja.
Year 4
Lateef, Gabriella, Alex, Deborah, Victory, Angelo, Yusuf and Sabina.
Year 3
Princess, Favour, Sara, Hibba and Lateefat.
UNICEF Global Goals and Climate Change
This year William Bellamy pupils have been learning about climate change and sustainable living. As a UNICEF Silver Rights Respecting School we want to encourage our pupils to become global citizens who campaign and advocate for the rights of all children everywhere.
Year 3 and 4 learned all about the importance of nature and create some artwork.
Year 5 and 6 wrote about why they feel climate change education is so important.
Article 24
You have the right to the best healthcare possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food a clean and safe environment, and education on health and wellbeing so that children can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.