Nurture Staff
Inclusion Panel Rationale
William Bellamy Primary School intent is to ensure that nurture and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do, we recognise that a child’s experience of school, barriers that they may have and strategies to thrive vary from child to child. We consider a child’s lived experience, social and emotional health and potential neurodiversity. We reconigise that these potential barriers do not impact in isolation and a child must be viewed as a whole. We endeavour to ensure that children thrive both educationally and emotionally, that school is a safe space where success is possible.
We believe in equity. We recognise that each pupil has different circumstances and we support individuals through intervention, resources and/or opportunities needed to achieve an equal outcome.
The inclusion panel is key in bring a team together to look at a child as a whole. The panel consists of the Headteacher, Nurture Lead, Inclusion Lead and family Support Lead. The panel meets fortnightly, which allows for a decision on how best to support pupils to happen in a timely manner. The aim is to recognise, support and review at the first stages of identification. Any member of staff can complete an inclusion panel referral. Reasons for referrals can be as varied and individual as the pupils in our care. Pupils may:
- be presenting with behaviours or an emotional state which is impacting upon their learning
- have had life experiences such as bereavement or separation which has impacted upon them
- be experiencing difficulties socialising with peers
- have had previous or ongoing CP concerns
- be a child in care
- have a SEND need that is presenting in a new way or not responding to intervention
- significant changes in learning outcomes
A staff member may just feel that there is an issue but they are unable to pinpoint, we encourage staff to trust their instincts.
Triage Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Significant long-term support needed | Timed and measured support needed | Identification of class-based intervention, resources and/or opportunities or signposting |
Pupil Pathway Identified | Pupil Pathway Identified | Review date set |
Local Authority informed | Identification of internal intervention, resources and/or opportunities | |
External Rereferral completed and submitted to panel for review | Review date set | |
Information recorded on provision map | ||
Ongoing review dates set |
Pupil Pathway
If a pupil is triaged at level 1 or 2 a ‘Pupil Pathway’ is identified. This allows us to ensure that we have a measured accountability support pathway for pupils. The initial ‘pathway’ may be reviewed. A pathway document is completed. Pathway Lead identified.
Pathway Lead
Once a pathway is decided a ‘Pathway Lead’ will be named. This person will be responsible for implementing the pupil pathway, including completing referrals to be shared with panel and monitoring impact of intervention. The Pathway Lead may be a member of SLT, Inclusion team, Mentors or Family Support.
Following set period decided for review pupil presented back at panel by Pathway Lead. Review may include;
- Pupil voice
- Parental voice
- Teacher voice
- Mentor voice
- Assessment outcomes (progress)
- Attendance
- Behaviour Incidents
Further steps are then identified where needed.
Whole school small group nurture – first four weeks | Delivered by mentors – dedicated to an individual class each day. Pupils are split into groups of ten and receive nurture sessions to develop relationships and identify need |
Nurture placements | Afternoon nurture provisions, allocated through Social Inclusion Panel. 10 places per group |
PSHE delivered by Nurture staff | Delivered by all mentors to allocated year groups. Every child receives a 50 minute session weekly |
Social Groups | Delivered by mentors twice weekly – pupils identified through Social Inclusion panel referrals |
Lunchtime provisions | Delivered by Mentors - Allocated pupils offered scheduled days to support with successful social interaction during lunch and break times. AT this time we are managing to deliver provision from Years 1 to 6 |
1:1 | Mentors are allocated 1:1 children, they deliver check-ins and develop trusted adult relationships |
Transition groups | Delivered by mentors during the last term in preparation for transitions across the school Specialist intervention for year 6 pupils |
Messy play group | Delivered by mentors in KS1 to encourage social interaction and develop relationships |
Bespoke groups created based on need | Delivered by Mentors created to meet specific need. This has taken a variety of forms including nurture sessions delivered by Mr Odusanya who delivers nurture through sport for pupils who have been identified through panel |
Thrive sessions | Sarah Rose is delivering Thrive sessions; sessions have been taking place for the past 6 months and have proven to be very successful. Sarah is an excellent practitioner who displays an ease in establishing trusting relationships with pupils. Children recognise her as an emotionally available adult and we are very fortunate to be able to offer her skills beyond the Oasis |
Emergency check-ins and 1:1 slots
| We have seen an increase in the requirement for Mentors to manage emergency check-is and provide support for children who have experienced a trauma or challenging time. An example of this would be school receiving an encompass notification and the mentor following up with a wellbeing check-in, or staff being notified of an incident and needed to check the child is not experiencing harm through this. The contact undertaken by the mentors allows us to have an additional protective measure in place via school. |
In addition to the interventions running daily, mentors are allocated a 'duty day' where they are available to be called to assist with children who requires support to function successfully.
Additional Support
We know that children are in a better place to learn when their physical and emotional wellbeing needs are met. We have a range of offers to support pupils being able to attend school and remove some barriers. We recognise that, in this current climate, financial constraints for families have impacted this. Therefore, we offer the following to all our pupils.
Uniform Support
- Uniform bundles are available for families upon request free of charge
- Uniform is available in school for children to change into if requested
Hygiene Support
- Period products are available for all pupils
- Deodorant/wipes etc available where needed
- Hygiene product bundles can be available to families on request