Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement: Geography
William Bellamy Primary School follows the expectations of the National curriculum and ensures that there is provision of a high-quality geography education. We aim to ensure that the pupils have a deep understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to access their geography learning. We aim to ensure that pupils develop curiosity about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We know that pupils who attend our school may have limited experiences beyond their immediate surrounding and therefore we aim to ensure that we are exposing the pupils to knowledge beyond their own lived experiences. The curriculum is planned to ensure that it is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and towards designed end points. We aim to ensure that there is a difference between pupils retaining knowledge when they are first taught and this becoming a longer, sustained, development of learning.
The school’s overarching intent based in nurture and diversity, this is embedded into the curriculum to ensure that the curriculum is reflective of our school community and all teaching is delivered using a nurturing approach.
Geography is sequenced across the school to ensure that the key areas of Locational knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and Physical geography and Geographical skills and fieldwork. The school uses Focus Education ‘How to Assess a Knowledge Rich Curriculum’ to support the long term planning. The sequencing of learning year on year builds on the pupils’ knowledge, reinforcing what they have already learned and building on this.
Geography is taught as a discreet subject however, where possible, links are made to other areas of the curriculum and where cross curricular links are authentic, that deepen or extend learning and enrich understanding. Links are not made if they are superficial. We ensure that the skills and knowledge learnt have application opportunities across the curriculum
The school has implemented a rich geography curriculum, which enables pupils to achieve by;
- Ensuring there are clear learning outcomes for all subjects allowing for progression, challenge and reinforcement of key knowledge and skills.
- Ensuring that Rights Respecting articles have clear, relevant links.
- Inspiring pupils to want to learn more and to enjoy learning through the development of cultural capital, enrichment activities and creative outcomes that are relevant to the pupils we teach and engage them in the learning process.
- Promoting effective learning habits including perseverance, teamwork, creativity, empathy and reflectiveness.
The impact of our curriculum on pupils’ development of geographical knowledge and skills is measured through ongoing assessment by teachers. SLT, alongside Middle Leaders, rigorously monitor teaching and learning to ensure that pupils make good progress across the school. Impact will be evidence through pupils Recorded Learning and assessments.
SLT measure how closely the Intent set out above has been met through the School Develop Plan.
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement: History
William Bellamy Primary School follows the expectations of the National curriculum and ensures that there is provision of a high-quality History education. We aim to ensure that the pupils have a deep understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to access their History learning. We aim to ensure that pupils develop a curiosity about the world, both past and present, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives. The curriculum is designed to ensure that it is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and towards designed end points. We aim to ensure that there is a difference between pupils retaining knowledge when they are first taught and this becoming a longer, sustained, development of learning. The school’s overarching intent based in nurture and diversity, this is embedded into the curriculum to ensure that we are recognising the impact of historical event on our present lives and identity.
History is sequenced across the school to ensure that the key identified in the National Curriculum are thoroughly covered. The school uses Focus Education ‘How to Assess a Knowledge Rich Curriculum’ to support the long term planning. The sequencing of learning year on year builds on the pupils’ knowledge, reinforcing what they have already learned and building on this.
History is taught as a discreet subject however, where possible, links are made to other areas of the curriculum and where cross curricular links are authentic, that deepen or extend learning and enrich understanding. Links are not made if they are superficial. We ensure that the skills and knowledge learnt have application opportunities across the curriculum.
The school has implemented a rich History curriculum, which enables pupils to achieve by;
Ensuring there are clear learning outcomes for all subjects allowing for progression, challenge and reinforcement of key knowledge and skills
Ensuring that Rights Respecting articles have clear, relevant links
Inspiring pupils to want to learn more and to enjoy learning through the development of cultural capital, enrichment activities and creative outcomes that are relevant to the pupils we teach and engage them in the learning process.
Promoting effective learning habits including perseverance, teamwork, creativity, empathy and reflectiveness.
The impact of our curriculum on pupils’ development of historical knowledge and skills is measured through ongoing assessment by teachers. SLT, alongside Middle Leaders, rigorously monitor teaching and learning to ensure that pupils make good progress across the school. Impact will be evident through pupils Recorded Learning and assessments.
SLT measure how closely the Intent set out above has been met through the School Develop Plan.
Humanities Curriculum Overview
Year | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 |
1 | Transition | Geography- Our Local Area
| History- My Family History | Geography- People and their Communities | History The Greatest Explorers | History- Great Inventions: Transport |
2 | Geography- Seasons
| History- Bonfire Night and the Great Fire of London | Geography- Journey of Food
| History- Our Local Heroes
| History- Holidays
| Geography- Our Wonderful World
3 | History- The Stone Age
| Geography- Climate and Weather | History- The Bronze Age and The Iron Age | Geography- Our World
| History- Local History
| Geography- Coasts |
4 | Geography- The Americas | History- The Ancient Egyptians | Geography- Rivers and the Water Cycle | History- Roman Britain | Geography- Earthquakes and Volcanoes | History- Crime and Punishment |
5 | History- Anglo- Saxons
| Geography- Changes in our Local Environment | History- The Vikings | Geography- Europe: A Study of the Alpine Region | History- Journeys | Geography- Clothes |
6 | Geography- South America: The Amazon | History- The Ancient Maya
| Geography- Protecting the Environment
| History- The Ancient Greeks | Geography- Our World in the Future
| History- The Impact of War |